Lifestyle Newborn

A mother holds a newborn baby and exchanges a kiss with her toddler son while sitting on a white bed

A lifestyle session allows me to capture your baby with immediate family in the natural setting of your home where it is cozy and everything you need is close by. This makes for easier diaper changes and feedings, and kisses from a big sibling when they feel ready. I use natural window light to capture your emotional and intimate connection with the newest member of your family. These are sure to be photos that you will bring you right back to that time when you first came home with an extra set of 10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes. These sessions are prompted rather than posed, natural rather than manufactured.

All bookings include my Welcome Guide that is full of recommendations for styling and preparing your home (and other children) for your session.

Up to 90 minutes | 15 retouched digital images | $499

Option to purchase additional Images

Add on a maternity session to any newborn session and receive a $50 discount